
  • Support: The Einstein Toolkit provides support through various channels.
  • Tutorials: The Tutorial for New Users leads through your first steps and more or you can use the read only version to try it at home.

  • Documentation: Components in the Einstein Toolkit often contain documentation. E.g., the Cactus ThornGuide provides a single guide for all the thorns. You can acess the complete Einstein Toolkit Thorn Guide and other supporting documents below.

Bug Tracker

Issues (bugs, wish-list items, tasks) are recorded in a database. There they can be discussed, flagged, and assigned to developers. Don't hesitate to report problem you might have found: reporting problems is the first step in helping to solve them.

Public Wiki

Parts of the documentation about the Einstein Toolkit is hosted on a Wiki, as well as pages about sub-projects within the toolkit. Every user is welcome to improve and extend it.

Cactus Users' Guide

This document contains a quick-start guide to installing and running a Cactus application. In subsequent chapters, it provides more detailed information on advanced user's topics, as well as an introduction to thorn writing.
Users' Guide

Thorn Documentation

This document provides details specific for the individual thorns and arrangements.
Thorn Guide

Cactus Reference Manual

This document will eventually be a complete reference manual for the Cactus Code.
Reference Manual


A 1+1 dimensional Discontinuous Galerkin code for numerical self-force calculations..
SelfForce1D Manual

Kuibit Manual

Tools to post-process simulations performed with the Einstein Toolkit.
Kuibit Manual