Here you will find a step by step guide to downloading, configuring, and running the Einstein Toolkit. The tutorial uses an web-based interface using jupyter notebooks, so no software needs to be installed on your own computer. If you find something that does not work, please email
The jupyter notebooks are available for download from their GitHub repository.
If, instead of using the web-based service, you would rather like to run the tutorial on your own laptop, then please use a read only version of the CactusTutorial.ipynb notebook instead. Alternatively, you can download and use the Docker image:
curl -LO docker-compose up -d docker-compose logs # Note the URL that appears in the output. Copy it and paste it into your browser.
Before you can get started you will require and account on the tutorial server, which is hosted by the Center for Computation & Technology at LSU. Please request access before you try to log in. Please allow for 2 business days for the account to be created. Data will eventually be deleted if inactive for too long. Please make sure to download your data.