Gallery: Fishbone-Moncrief disk

L. G. Fishbone and V. Moncief in 1976 described a general solution of the relativistic Euler Equation fluid in azimuthal, isentropic flow. Zach Eitnne developed initial data compatible with Einstein Toolkit. The Einstein Toolkit thorn was also used for IllinoisGRMHD contribution to the Event Horizon Telescope GRMHD code comparision project. The graphics on this webpage were developed during a hackathon at NRCSS2022 ICERM with coarser spatial resolution than the original initial data dxi = 4dxioriginal.

Computational details

Submission command
ibrun -n 48 ./exe/cactus_sim /home1/07139/hecook/nrcss22/Cactus/arrangements/WVUThorns/FishboneMoncriefID/parfile_examples/FishboneMoncrief_IllinoisGRMHD-production_run-LOWRES.par

Total Memory Required
15.971 GB

48 tasks on 1 Skylake node of Stampede2

This example was last tested on 12-Aug-2022.


FM Disk
FM Disk

Fishbone-Moncrief disk's baryonic density distribution on the XY plane (it would look different on a perpendicular cross-section as the 3D model is a toroid)